No stop to stop sign study yet

(KAIR)--Temporary stop signs, placed at four Atchison intersections noted for heavy pedestrian traffic, will remain in place through the near future.

That follows discussion during Monday's meeting of the Atchison City Commission regarding whether or not the stop signs should remain in place permanently.

City Public Works Director Justin Pregont addressed the Commission, outlining the city staff recommendation pertaining to the future of the stop signs. “There are four intersections that are currently, temporarily, designated as all-way stops. Those being 3rd and Commercial, 4th and Kansas, 5th and Santa Fe, and 6th and Santa Fe. The ordinance in front of you would officially enact all-way stops at 3rd and Commercial, 5th and Santa Fe, and 6th and Santa Fe, and 4th and Kansas would revert back to a two-way stop control, with north/south on 4th being able to flow freely. Additionally, this ordinance would enact an all-way stop at 8th and Commercial."

Commission discussion followed the presentation, with opinions voiced on which stop signs should stay and which should be removed.

Mayor Allen Reavis called for a vote, but it ultimately failed to gain Commission approval.

Following the failed vote, and with suggestions voiced, it was decided to continue to keep the signs in place for up to an additional 90 days.

That is intended to allow further review, including the exploration of possible alternatives to alert drivers to pedestrian traffic in the affected locations.

The temporary stop signs were put in place for a 90 day trial period at the start of the new year.

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