Plans for new Seneca senior center advance

(KMZA)--Plans for the proposed construction of a new Seneca nutrition center and public transit building move forward.

A public hearing was held Monday on a grant application that would help fund the new building.

Nemaha Public Transit plans to seek a grant through the Kansas Department of Transportation that would pay for 50 percent of the transit portion of the building. 

County Senior Services and Public Transit Director Diane Yunghans said  that portion of the project would allow them to expand transportation services for the county along with provide a transit waiting area, van storage areas, meeting area and transit offices.

The other half of the estimated $975,000 project would be county funded.

Yunghans said that part of the project would include an expanded kitchen for their Meals on Wheels program and larger dining hall.  With the expansion, she said they would be able to provide county-wide Meals on Wheels delivery.

Yunghans says two sites are being considered for the project. They include at the  corner of Main Street and Community Drive and two lots along U.S. 36 next to ShopKo, with access off of Branch Street.

Most comments were positive from the 27 people in attendance.  The most pressing question was how people would get to the new proposed location.

Yunghans said that the transit department would pick people up at their door and take them to the new center as needed.

The grant application is due February 16th.

If awarded, Yunghans said construction on the new building could possibly begin in July.




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