Weekend house fire leaves one displaced

Photo credit: Atchison Fire Dept.

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Photo credit: Atchison Fire Dept.

(KAIR)--A Saturday night house fire in Atchison causes no injuries, but leaves heavy damage in its wake.

Atchison Fire Chief Ted Graf tells MSC News firefighters were called to the 1100 block of Commercial Street, around 9:40 Saturday night.

When they arrived at 1141 Commercial, they found heavy smoke and flames engulfing the front porch of the single family residence.

Graf says the fire was quickly brought under control, but the porch sustained heavy structural damage, while the remainder of the residence sustained heavy smoke damage.

According to Graf, a neighboring residence, at 1139 Commercial Street, sustained damage to the vinyl soffit due to the radiated heat of the flames.

The occupant of the home told investigators she was in the back part of the residence when someone knocked on a side window, attempting to alert her to the fire.

Opening the front door, she was met with heavy smoke, and closed it immediately, limiting the spread of the fire.

Graf says the resident is temporarily displaced, and is staying with a friend.

It's believed the fire began in a flower bed and spread to the porch, but the actual cause of the fire is not yet determined, as the investigation continues.

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