Guns missing after Atchison area break-ins

(KAIR)--Two separate Atchison area burglaries leave authorities searching for missing guns, and for whoever stole them.

Both of the crimes involved forced entry into two residences.

Atchison County Sheriff Jack Laurie tells MSC News his office is investigating a break-in that took place near Effingham, at 9008 250th Road. “The residents left town for a little while that day, and when they returned home, between 3 pm and 9:30 pm, they noticed the door in the rear of the house was kicked in...noticed that there were a lot of items missing.”

Taken were seven handguns, a shotgun, keys to a vehicle, and loose change.

The total value of the missing items is estimated at around $4,300.

Atchison Police Chief Mike Wilson tells MSC News his office is also investigating a case of forced entry, with that crime reported on Monday. [The owner] reported the theft of three long guns from a residence in the 1500 block of North 7th. We are following a number of leads on that."

Wilson says two rifles and a shotgun were taken, but an estimated value isn't immediately available.

Anyone with information about the crimes are urged to contact local authorities.

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