Atchison sets STAR Bonds hearing

(KAIR)--Moving forward with the City of Atchison's planned use of STAR Bonds, through the establishment of a STAR Bonds District.

That happened during Monday's meeting of the Atchison City Commission, when Interim City Manager Becky Berger brought the matter of setting a STAR Bonds public hearing before the Commission. "This is a required step to move forward with the STAR Bond project," Berger told the Commission. "It would set a public hearing for December 18..then, after the public hearing, you can choose to vote on it, or you can wait. We just have to have an adopted plan to the Secretary of Commerce by January 26."

Setting of the public hearing follows a review of the plan by the City's Planning Commission. "It went to Planning Commission on Wednesday...and they adopted a resolution, saying it's consistent with the City's comprehensive plan, which is also a required step."

Following Berger's presentation, and brief discussion, the Commission unanimously approved the December 18 public hearing 5 to 0.

The STAR Bonds will finance an aviation museum and a shelter for the Atchison Farmer’s Market.

A STAR bond district was approved in June of this year by the Atchison City Commission and the Kansas Secretary of Commerce.

It includes the Amelia Earhart Airport and part of downtown Atchison, including the Farmers Market, Holiday Inn Express, and the corner of 10th and Main where the new Taco Bell restaurant is being built.

Sales tax generated from that designated district is used to pay off the bonds, which  are solely supported by the increase in revenue from the STAR Bond District.

Utilizing STAR Bonds enables Atchison to receive the State’s 6.5% sales tax with the City’s 1% general sales tax to finance the community projects.

The city plans to issue nearly $2 million in STAR bonds for the funding of the projects.

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