Senator Moran visits local area

Senator Jerry Moran

Image and video hosting by TinyPic U.S. Senator Jerry Moran spoke Monday at a town hall meeting at the Everest Cafe.

(KNZA)--U.S. Senator Jerry Moran visited the local area Monday, making stops in Onaga, Everest, and Atchison.

Moran addressed a number of topics during the town hall meetings held in each community.

It was standing room only at the Everest Cafe, where Moran tackled such topics as tax reform.

The Kansas Republican said there are several things he would like to see in a tax overhaul plan, including a tax code that is fairer and simpler. "The goal being to reduce the number of exclusions, exemptions, deductions, the number of tax brackets, and try to get it where more and more Americans can file their tax return without the need for professional help."

Moran says he would also like to see a tax code that encourages businesses to keep jobs here in the United States. “We've seen with the tax code that we have, some businesses, over the years, have made decisions to take their operations, their manufacturing, over seas, and we need to do everything we can to put an end to that."

Moran said he wants to see a tax code that creates more, better paying jobs.

U.S. House Republicans unveiled their tax proposal last week.  

Moran said the Senate is still working on its plan, which he hopes can be done in a bi-partisan effort. “The Senate Finance Committee is going to mark up a tax bill. Republican and Democrat Senators who are members of that committee will have an opportunity to debate, offer amendments. If we can avoid the partisan nature of this it may take longer, I don't know, it may reduce the amount of time, but I think we would get a better product."

All three stops Monday were made as part of Moran's Kansas listening tour.


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