Applications For U.S. Service Academy Nominations Due

Every year, Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins (KS-02) accepts applications from residents of the Second District between the ages of 17 and 22 who are interested in receiving her nomination for appointment to our nation’s U.S. Service Academies. With the deadline for applications approaching on October 13th, Congresswoman Jenkins released the following statement:


“The U.S. Service Academies are prestigious educational institutions that offer students the academic and professional training essential to serve our nation, and the principles necessary to excel in the American military. I encourage anyone who is interested in attending one of these esteemed institutions to get in touch with my office, and apply to be nominated. The deadline is rapidly approaching, and I urge folks not to miss out on a chance to study at one of these incredible academies.”


The honor of attending a service academy comes with an obligation and commitment to serve in the military for a minimum of five years upon graduation. Congresswoman Jenkins’ nomination does not guarantee admission to a service academy. For more information or to apply for nomination, visit


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