Genealogy Society Vacate Notice Stayed 60 Days

(KAIR)--Following the announcement from the Atchison Library telling the Atchison Genealogy Society to vacate the Kansas Room, an emergency meeting of the library board was held Monday night. At that meeting, it was decided a special committee would be formed consisting of three genealogy members, two library board members and Atchison Library Director Jacque Slingsby.

“There will be six of us that will sit down and meet and try to come to a resolution that we can all go forward with,” Slingsby said. “The goal of everyone is to benefit the Atchison community so I feel very positive about this committee. I really think we will be able to problem-solve.”

Along with the committee, Slingsby said they've agreed to hold off on their request for the genealogy society to leave the Kansas Room for 60 days while an agreement can be reached.

The library originally made the request in the name of fairness to all groups wishing to use the library's space and in an effort to uniform library policy as no other groups are allowed to store items in the Kansas Room.

“This gave us a chance to really correct some of the misinformation that had been out there,” Slingsby said “But, also to have an opportunity to look at things with a different view.”

One of the genealogy members on the committee is Cora Chambers.

“At this point, I am optimistic that something can be worked out,” Chambers said. “We want to thank the community for all their support and for attending the meeting. It was very beneficial.”

Over the next 60 days, the committee will meet and work to come to a resolution.

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