KDA Offers Cost Share for Egg Candling Unit

The Kansas Department of Agriculture has funds available for a cost share to Kansas agricultural producers for egg candling units made possible by a U.S. Department of Agriculture Federal State Marketing Improvement Program grant.  KDA will reimburse Kansas egg producers 50% of the cost of a single egg candling unit up to $100 per unit until funds are exhausted.  Reimbursable costs must be incurred during the period June 7–Dec. 15, 2016.  The deadline for the application is Dec. 15, 2016.

The FSMIP grant provides matching funds to state departments of agriculture, state agricultural experiment stations, and other appropriate state agencies to assist in exploring new market opportunities for U.S. food and agricultural products, and to encourage research and innovation aimed at improving the efficiency and performance of the marketing system. KDA is committed to encouraging growth of the Kansas agriculture industry, and grading eggs provides additional market opportunities for poultry farmers.

For application details, go to the KDA website at agriculture.ks.gov/egg-candling. If you have questions, contact KDA agribusiness development coordinator Billy Brown at 785-564-6752 or Billy.Brown@ks.gov.

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