County-Owned Building Sold

(KNZA)--A county-owned building in downtown Hiawatha that's been utilized by the Brown County Historical Society for several years was sold at a public auction Monday morning.

Sheriff John Merchant conducted the auction for the building located at 518 Oregon in the 1st floor lobby of the courthouse.

Greg Buser, of rural Robinson, was the lone bidder with a bid of $45,001, just one dollar over the minimum bid set by the county. The building is appraised at about $127,000.

The County Commission voted following the auction to accept his bid.

The building, which currently houses Jack’s Trains and artifacts from the Frances Sewell Plamann Estate, was deeded to the county by the Historical Society for insurance reasons.

Buser will not take possession of the building until January 2nd, 2017, a stipulation asked for by the Historical Society to allow them time to move the train display and estate artifacts to a temporary location until a new building can be constructed at their Ag Museum site to house them.

Buser was required to put 20 percent down Monday morning, and will pay the remaining 80 percent when he takes possession of the building January 2nd.

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