Kansas Corn Corps Accepts Eleven Young Farmers
Eleven young Kansas farmers were selected to participate in the Kansas Corn Corps, a newly-created young farmer program sponsored by Kansas Corn Growers Association and Kansas Corn Commission. Kansas Corn Corps was developed to allow young growers to come together to learn and to take multiple perspectives back to the farm.
The first Kansas Corn Corps participants are:
Coby Baalman, Menlo
Geoffrey Burgess, Sterling
JD Hanna, Silver Lake
Brandon Heier, Grainfield
Tanner McNinch, Ness City
Lowell & Krystale Neitzel, Lawrence
Kelsey Pagel, Wetmore
Matt & Janna Splitter, Lyons
Dallin Willis, Garden City
"We're excited to see this new young grower program take shape. Corn Corps focuses on business aspects of farming. Our goal is to provide participants with a strong network and help them explore new opportunities to bring back new ideas for innovation on their farms and in their communities," according to Stacy Mayo, Director of Industry Relations.
Three sessions and a domestic agriculture trip will be held over a 16-month time frame launching in December 2016. The program is patterned off of successful young corn farmer development programs being conducted in other corn states, but designed specifically for Kansas.
Participants must be 45 or younger and involved in a corn farming operation. Kansas Corn will release information in early 2017 for applications to participate in the second Kansas Corn Corps class. Participants in this class will be announced next fall. For more information, visit kscorn.com.

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