U.S. Congresswoman Makes Local Stops

U.S. Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins answers questions posed by the children at the Boys and Girls Club of Atchison.

(KAIR)--Both Atchison and Holton were on the schedule when United States Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins visited the local area earlier this month.

Among her stops was the Boys and Girls Club of Atchison. "It's hard to beat spending a little time at the Boys and Girl's Club here in Atchison," Jenkins tells MSC News. "They are doing phenomenal work serving this community and Effingham, providing a safe place for these kids to play and grow and learn."

Jenkins first met with the leadership of the Boys and Girls Club, and then answered questions from the children. "They're so smart and so inquisitive, and that's what's cool about a program like this, they just encourage that."

Before her departure, Jenkins was presented with a Boys and Girls Club t-shirt.

Prior to coming to Atchison, Jenkins visited Holton, where she toured the Northeast Kansas Community Action Program Head Start Center. "Talk about an organization that's doing great work for northeast Kansas, they've got a big region, a lot of needs. We talked about how we can help at the federal level with some things. We've already partnered with them to get some mental health money and training."

Also during the tour, Jenkins spent time at Atchison's Benedictine College, where the Kansas Republican addressed an American Government class, explaining the actions of Congress while fielding student questions.

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