Sheriff Responds To Rape Case Lawsuit

Jackson Co Sheriff Tim Morse

(KAIR)--Jackson County Sheriff Tim Morse is responding to a lawsuit filed in connection with the investigation focused on sex crimes involving 21-year-old Holton resident Jacob Ewing.

The lawsuit was filed Wednesday in federal court by former Sheriff's Detective Al Dunn, who claims he was fired after refusing to end the investigation, which dates back to the beginning of 2014.

Morse calls the claim baseless. "The idea that somehow that I told somebody to stop investigating, or somehow that I was protecting Mr. Ewing, is completely ridiculous, extremly asinine, to think that this was the case," Morse tells MSC News. In fact, since the termination of this employee, you will see that our investigation has ramped up, that we have more people on the ground with this case. We've been clear to the east coast, on this case, interviewing people."

In the lawsuit, Dunn claims Morse, concerned about re-election to his office, answered to complaints from Ewing's family and friends who believed they could influence Morse's win. "It's very interesting that there was a posting [on Facebook] by the defendant's mother, in this rape case, who even said I [Morse] have no relationship with that family whatsover. These accusations are lies, and this is coming from the defendant's own family. Nobody's ever pressured me, nobody's ever told me not to do my job, or pressured me. The Ewing family has never pressured me whatsover, and nobody's going to bully me around."

Morse, who is seeking re-election in the November 8th general election as a Democrat, is challenged by Republican Robert McNicholas.

He says he believes the lawsuit is "an election year stunt by a terminated employee to simply cause me trouble during this upcoming election," adding that he will beat the lawsuit, "probably in summary judgement."

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