Richardson Co Could Play Role For Future Mine

NioCorp drill rig at Elk Creek

(KLZA)--No decision is yet made regarding the potential relationship between the future Elk Creek Niobium mine in Johnson and Richardson Counties; but, if mining company NioCorp Development's plans are approved, Richardson County roads would be used by the company for removal of excess water from their operations. 

That issue was brought to the Richardson County Commission Tuesday by former State Senator, and former Nebraska Lieutenant Governor, Lavon Heideman, and Scott Honan, the Vice-President of the Canadian-based company. "One of the things we're looking at is a water line along county roads that would take the water from our project site to the Missouri River," Honan tells MSC News. "Now, this water contains inordinate salt. We've done some work with state regulators in Nebraska and with the Army Corps of Engineers to assess regulatory feasibility of doing something like this." 

Honan says the Commissioners seemed open to further exploration of the possible use of the county roads. "I think what the County Commissioners would like to see are some more details regarding exactly where a water line would go...this was a good introduction to the topic, but we have some more work to do on our side of things." 

Honan says alternate water removal possibilities are also being studied by NioCorp. 

No time line for when the company may bring the matter back to the Commission has yet been established.

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