City Urges Input About Codes

Though the City of Atchison has dumped International Maintenance Code as a possibility to replace current city enforcement codes, Mayor Jack Bower says something still needs to be done about the current, inadequate code.

“City commission and staff is contacted by renters who live in sub-standard rentals who are afraid to contact their landlords because of possible repercussions,” he said at Monday’s city commission meeting.

Bower isn’t the only one unhappy with the code.

“I have never lived in a community where people were allowed to thumb their nose to their community,” said Atchison Resident Lou Ann Lacey at the city commission meeting during the public forum. “There are a lot of people that try to bring their neighborhood up, but all it takes is one or two.”

She pushed the commission to help the ‘average joe’ in Atchison who wants to be proud of their community.

Bower continues to urge residents to give feedback about the international maintenance code as the city must come up with something to improve properties in Atchison.

“I think a lot of people in this community feel strongly that we need to change the dynamic of our housing codes,” Bower said. “I’m frightened that people say they’re intimidated to report people because of repercussions.”

Bower said it’s a social justice issue as well as a community issue.

“If people can’t afford it, let’s figure out a way to get together and help them.”

Comments can be sent to Kathy Soph at 515 Kansas Avenue or e-mailed to

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