County Demands Treasurer Repay Money Lost in Scam

PLATTE CITY, Mo. (AP) - Platte County commissioners are demanding that the county's treasurer personally repay more than $20,000 lost after he fell victim to an email scam.

The three commissioners signed a letter Tuesday also demanding Treasurer Rob Willard pay more than $1,900 in attorney fees and gave him a week to come up with the money.

The Kansas City Star  reports Willard received an email last month that he thought was from presiding commissioner Ron Schieber instructing him to send $48,000 to a Florida bank to pay for a tax consultant.

But Schieber didn't make the request. Instead, Willard was spoofed as part of an internet scam that has victimized several other counties in Missouri and Kansas.

Wells Fargo has returned about $28,000 to the county's general fund.

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