Single Car Crash Causes Minor Injuries

(KAIR)--Minor injuries for an Atchison man following a single vehicle crash Wednesday evening. 

Atchison County Sheriff Jack Laurie says it happened when 18-year-old Joseph Schmidt was driving on U.S. Highway 59, north of 222nd Road. 

Laurie says deputies rushed to the scene, in the area of Highway 59 and K-116, and found Schmidt to be outside of his Mercedes Benz, which was off the west side of the highway, resting in a brush pile. 

Wearing a seatbelt at the time of the wreck, Laurie says Schmidt suffered apparent cuts and scrapes, but no life-threatening injuries, and refused medical treatment at the scene. 

However, he was transported by private vehicle for a hospital visit. 

Laurie says the wreck, reportedly shortly before 7:45, apparently happened when Schmidt looked down to fix an issue with the audio system in his car. 

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