Centralia Pride Volunteers Honored

(KMZA)--Centralia Community Church, a volunteer with the Nemaha County Community's PRIDE Program,  has been honored for its work in the community.  

The church was named a winner of the 2016 PRIDE Community Partner Award, given by the Kansas PRIDE program, a partnership of K-State Research and Extension, the Kansas Department of Commerce, and Kansas PRIDE, Inc.

“Community partners, whether they be businesses, organizations or individuals, are an integral part of a vital community and we want to thank them for all they do for their communities,” said Jaime Menon, K-State Research and Extension program coordinator for the Kansas PRIDE program.

Kansas PRIDE is a volunteer-led organization that serves communities across the state by assisting local government and volunteers in making their communities better places to live and work. Through the program, local PRIDE volunteers identify what they want to preserve, create, or improve in their communities and work with K-State Research and Extension agents and specialists and the Kansas Department of Commerce to achieve their goals.

Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback will sign a proclamation on April 22 designating May 22-28 as this year’s Week of PRIDE.


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