Christmas Comes To Atchison
(KAIR)--The spirit of Christmas will be alive and well in Atchison this week, as the Atchison Area Chamber of Commerce prepares for the annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony.

Chamber President Jacque Pregont says the even will kick off with music provided by some very special guests, saying “Atchison Child Care is going to sing, and St. Benedict's Catholic School is going to sing some songs; and then, St. Benedict's Catholic School has a band, so those kids are going to play Here comes Santa Claus, and we are going to see if Santa shows up.”

Pregont says that Santa and Mrs. Claus are scheduled to appear, and will be the ones that actually flip the switch that will light the tree.

Refreshments, including free popcorn  and hot chocolate will also be available.

Pregont says there will also be an opportunity for those attending the event to give back to the community. “If you will bring ten items for the food pantry, and we are going to divide that up, we actually have three different food pantries in town, and we will divide everything with them, but if you will bring ten items, then we will put you in a drawing, and if you want to bring twenty items, you will get two chances, and then we are going to give away a $25 chamber gift certificate.”

The annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony will take place this Thursday evening from 5:30-6:30 in the 500 block of Commercial Street. Everyone is invited to attend. 

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