Falls City FFA Students Attend National Convention

(KLZA)-- On October 28-31 the Falls City FFA chapter attended the National FFA Convention in Louisville, KY. where over 56,000 FFA members attended.

Six members participated in the event including Megan Eickhoff, Sydney Brewer, Erik Eickhoff, Dylan Frederick, Brooke Lotter and Joel Gifford. Our chapter paired up with Heartland, McCool Junction and Nebraska City, Palmyra, and Pawnee City to travel on a charter bus to Kentucky.

On the first day the group went to opening ceremonies and the convention enjoying the time to look and meet new people. Following that the second day was a full day, containing a sheep farm called Hemmer Hill Farms,  Meadowview Farm and Natural Habitat, and the famed home of the Kentucky Derby Churchill Downs. It was a different environment getting to explore the country side of Kentucky. Saturday morning the group attended the American Degree Ceremony.

The American Degree is the highest degree you receive in the FFA by meeting certain qualifications including having earned or invested $10,000 in their SAE, have an outstanding scholastic record, participated in over 50 hours of community service, and submitted the FFA American Degree Application. The Falls City Chapter had one member receive this degree this year. Cody Schawang a graduated FFA member received his American Degree after meeting all the requirements. 

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