Atchison Approves Broadband Franchise Agreement

 (KAIR)--The Atchison City Commission, during a meeting earlier this week, approved a franchise agreement with the Zayo Group, allowing the company to place a portion of their new internet broadband connectivity line within city limits. 

City Manager Trey Cocking says the line stretches from Omaha to Dallas and as it “comes through, we have to allow them to use our right of ways to build their highway. Which isn't a huge deal, it's a pack of wires, if folks drive over through Missouri now, they may see them...putting those in over in Missouri on the drive to Kansas City.”

Cocking adds that the agreement is a good deal for the city. He says “it's going to give us more broadband capability once it gets brought out. We will get five percent of the revenues if there are revenues generate from the system.”

Cocking says the line should be completely installed in the city within the next few months. 

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