Hearing Continued In Counterfeit Cash Case

Jeffery Kosman

(KNZA)--The preliminary hearing for a Kansas City, Kansas man accused of passing counterfeit money in the city of Hiawatha has been continued.

The hearing for 32-year-old Jeffrey Kosman, which had been set for this week in a Brown County courtroom, was continued to October 28th.

Kosman is charged three felony counts of making false information along with misdemeanor charges of possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia.

Kosman was arrested September 11th after police took a report of a counterfeit $20 bill at a local bar. The arrest followed a Hiawatha Police Department investigation into a rash of counterfeit $10 and $20 bills circulating through local businesses.

Kosman has also been charged with one count of felony theft in a separate case stemming from the theft of jewelry and a cell phone.

A preliminary hearing in that case is scheduled for next Wednesday. 

 He remains in the Brown County Jail, held on a $75,000 bond in the counterfeit cash case, and a $25,000 bond in the felony theft case.

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