Veterinarian Urges Protection Against West Nile Virus

(KAIR)--Summer is right around the corner, and with it comes the start of mosquito season. Since mosquitoes can carry the West Nile Virus, it may be a good idea to start thinking about protecting yourself from the pests.

That, according to Kansas State University veterinarian Elizabeth Davis, who says that mosquito levels in Kansas are already higher than last year, and weather can be blamed for an early start to the season. She says “our weather patterns have been quite abrupt and with the moisture we've had and now the really warm temperatures, mosquitoes are really taking off.”

People are not the only ones at risk. West Nile can also be deadly for horses, and Davis is encouraging owners to start vaccinating against the disease now. Dogs and cats cannot get West Nile, but are susceptible to other diseases. Davis suggests that you can minimize the risk of developing large mosquito populations by identifying areas where mosquito breeding takes place, such as areas of standing water. She says “so things like an old tire or water trough or even a birdbath; trying to empty those when possible. If we need to leave water around, cleaning those areas at least once a week, if not more frequently, and that will really diminish the number of mosquito populations that are breeding and harboring.”

You can also minimize your exposure to mosquitoes by using insect repellent and avoid being outside at dusk and dawn, when mosquitoes are most active.

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