Third Annual Tour of a Local Restored Native Prairie

The Atchison (Northeast Kansas) Region of the Kansas Native Plant Society is sponsoring its Third Annual Tour of a local restored native prairie.  If you are interested in native plants, learning to identify them, promoting their restoration in the local grassland, or taking a walk to enjoy the rare beauty of a Jackson County prairie, come to the 158-year-old Coombs family farm on Saturday, June 20. 

Besides preserving some native species on the site, Fred and Nancy Coombs have reseeded old fields, planted pollinator gardens around the house, burned patches to restore and rejuvenate natives, and improved their timber stand.  The tour is informal.  The Coombses and others will be available as guides around the farm, answering questions, and identifying various native grasses and forbs. 

One primary goal of KNPS is educational and focused on identifying and maintaining native plant species, but many people who attend tours also enjoy time spent in pleasant and entertaining conversation.  KNPS welcomes all ages and people with varied interests to come to this tour.  You do not need to be a member to enjoy its offerings.

The tour takes place at 18160 222nd Rd., Holton, KS, from 1 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, June 20.  Contact Fred or Nancy Coombs at 785-872-3463.

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