Beware of Storm Chasing Scammers

(KLZA)--After a tornado or severe storm, just like clockwork, scammers start making the rounds hoping to take advantage of people already down on their luck. 

Nebraska Better Business Bureau President & CEO Jim Hegarty says check references carefully, never pay up front in cash or sign over your insurance settlement check. Ask for written contracts that give an estimate and a time frame as to when the work will start and finish. 

There has been case after case of people paying money for repairs or services that were never delivered. Hegarty says always ask for a contract that includes an amount and a start and end date. He says many of these scammers are fast talkers and use high pressure tactics to get you to hand over money. He says many times they do poor work or no work at all and disappear without a trace.

Hegarty says sometimes they use high pressure tactics to get your money and then disappear without a trace. He says before hiring anyone to do a home or property repair call the BBB to for a reference check. 

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