Annual Falls City FFA Banquet Held

(KLZA)--The Falls City High School FFA Chapter recently held its 75th annual banquet to thank its supporters and award it's members. 

The 2014-15 officers were retired and the 2015-16 officers were inducted. A slide show created by the Reporter was presented over the FFA Chapter this past year. State and district contest ribbons and medals were handed out to recipients. 

The Greenhand Degree, a degree for first year active members, was received by Elle Findlay, Jake Brewer, and Joel Gifford. Recipients of the Chapter Degree, a degree for second year active members who have a Supervised Agricultural Experience, were Sydney Brewer, Megan Vollmer, Megan Eickhoff, Josie Nolte, Erik Eickhoff, Dayton Mellage, Darcy Snethen, Cody Frederick, Bryan Sickel, and Brooke Lotter. 

Derik Eickhoff received his State Degree, a degree requiring 2 years of record books and meeting minimum qualifications of state, at the State Convention. Elizabeth Eickhoff received her American Degree, a degree that is the highest level of membership a member can achieve, at the FFA National Convention. 

Receiving Chapter Proficiencies in various fields were Derik Eickhoff, Megan Eickhoff, Erik Eickhoff, Maygan Ramsey, and Sydney Brewer. Donna and Darren Eickhoff received a Honorary Chapter Degree. Also receiving  a Honorary Chapter Degree was Sterling Kottich, the Falls City FFA Chapter's first President 75 years ago.

The FFA Alumni award scholarships every year to senior members who meet qualifications and apply, this years recipients are Maygan Ramsey, Derik Eickhoff, and Jordy Stoller.

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