Years Old UTV Theft Leads To Arrest

Jeff Turner

(KAIR)--A stolen Buchanan County UTV, recovered in Atchison County in April, now leads to the arrest of an Atchison man.

Sheriff Jack Laurie says the owner discovered the vehicle, missing since 2012, being sold at a local sale, with that break assisting investigators in finding the suspect. He found that the vehicle identification numbers on both his vehicle and the one being advertised matched perfectly.

The seller at the farm sale was apparently unaware of the vehicle's history.
Accused of the actual theft is 30-year-old Jeffrey Turner, who was arrested Friday. He's accused of having sold the UTV for nearly $4,000 on the day it was stolen.

Turner allegedly used his drivers license as ID to cash the related check at a local bank, which led investigators his way.

He was taken into custody in Buchanan County for possession of stolen property as well as an Atchison County warrant for failure to appear.

Transported to the Atchison County Jail, he has since been freed after posting bond of $17,500.

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