Atchison Fire Department Welcomes New Truck

(KAIR)--After a nearly year long wait, the Atchison Fire Department has a brand new aerial fire truck.

The new truck was delivered Friday afternoon, and Chief Mike McDermed says some features on both trucks are similar such as the 101 foot aerial ladder platform. The only difference between the two is that the new truck has a water tank on it.

McDermed says the thirty five year old truck, while still serviceable, needed replacing because “when the equipment starts to get that old, you run into issues of parts availability. Actually, the truck has been scheduled for replacement since it was probably thirty years old, but due to the economy and some other issues we pushed it back as far as we felt we could. There just comes a time when the equipment just needs to be replaced, even though you look at the existing truck and it looks like it's still in good shape, and it's still functional, but it's got certain issues that it probably wouldn't be wise to invest the amount of money you would have to invest in that old of a vehicle.”

McDermed says that he anticipates that the new truck will last at least thirty years.

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