Atchison Offers Cost Share Program For Sidewalk Repair

(KAIR)--A cost share program offered by the city of Atchison allows property owners to repair sidewalks on their property at a reduced cost.

That, according to city Public Works and Utilities Director Justin Pregont who says the program is designed to give residents an incentive to improve their sidewalks. He explains that “if you are interested in the program, you call the city shop at 913-367-5561 and our project manager will get us our contractor, and develop a specific cost estimate for the work you are looking to have done, and then the priority list goes by who posts their check. So once we have a posted check, that's how we determine the work list, and then the contractor works through the list throughout the year and gets those projects accomplished.”

Pregont says most any kind of repair will be covered. However, “there is a certain level of degradation that we want to see. If someone had a brand new sidewalk, and for some reason they just wanted to replace it, I don't think the city would be interested in participating in that project, but if the sidewalk has some cracking...some trip hazards, even if it's non existent sidewalk...if you are interested in getting a wheelchair ramp at the corner for accessability purposes, or the cross slope is excessive...any sort of sidewalk repair or replacement, we are interested in.”

Pregont says the program has been very successful in recent years, and spots tend to go very quickly, so he encourages anyone who may be interested to contact the city shop as soon as possible.

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