Beware "Local" Award Program

(KNZA)--If your company abruptly receives an email claiming you've won an award presented by an unknown entity, tread lightly. 

Although such awards aren't exactly a scam, they aren't presented by any local organization, despite vague claims to the contrary outlined in the email announcing that the award has been won. 

In one local, reported instance, an area company received an email claiming they had been selected for a “Best of Holton Award” and their trophy can be claimed by visiting an attached website. 

No such organization exists; instead, the email was sent by a national company, operating under various names, in this instance “The Holton Award Program,”and identified by the Better Business Bureau as a vanity publishing company. That means no actual award has been won; instead, the dubious distinction can only be received if the award is purchased. According to the website for the so-called “Holton Award Program,” the award's come in three varieties, and range in price from around $150 to $230. 

There's no reason to believe the trophies, if purchased, wouldn't be delivered. However, they carry no significance, and are not earned, but purchased. 

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