Atchison Approves Garage Construction

(KAIR)--The Atchison City Commission has approved funding for the construction of a new garage for the city's Public Works Department.

City Public Works and Utilities Director Justin Pregont says the structure is meant to protect valuable city property, and “exposing them to the elements on a nightly basis with the weather swings that we have in this part of the world, we just did not think was a wise thing. So we started to scope together a vehicle garage project that would allow us to store our two automated trash trucks, as well as our jetter truck indoors in a little bit of a climate control, that will at least keep it out of deep freezing weather.”

Pregont adds that the project is a collaboration with the Atchison Area Chamber of Commerce, who had been looking for a place to store their trolly and their coach vehicles.  He says that between all vehicles stored in the garage, there is close to $1 million in public assets that will be protected.

Pregont says the city is responsible for three fifths of the  nearly $110,000 construction cost, with the chamber picking up the remaining two fifths. Construction is expected to be completed sometime this summer.

In other business, the Commission authorized the manufacturing and installation of a series of wayfaring signs in the city for a cost of approximately $3,5000.  Pregont says signs will be installed at several locations including the Atchison Heritage Center, the Riverfront, the Downtown area, the Visitors Center, and the Sports Complex, with other signs providing directions to each location.

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