Caution Urged For Kids Playing In Cold Weather

(KAIR)--The thermometer has been displaying temperatures near freezing recently, but many kids are bundling up and playing outside despite the cold. Safe Kids Kansas is warning parents that there are some risks involved when kids are outside in the cold.

Director Cheri Sage says that kids are more physically prone to weather injuries than adults, since they have a smaller surface area and their body metabolizes temperatures differently.

Sage also warns against keeping kids outdoors for extended amounts of time. She says that you should “Have children take frequent breaks. They need to come in and warm up. You need to keep an eye on the wind chill to make sure that their skin is not being exposed and at risk for frostbite. Also, children tend to get dehydrated this time of year. When it is hot out, we think about stopping for a water break, we tend to not think about that so much in the winter time.”

If you do find that your child is distracted, irritable, or start to hyperventilate, Sage says that these could be signs of hypothermia and you need to bring them inside to rest and warm up.

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