Sen. Roberts Dines With Holton Students

 photo combined.jpg (KAIR)--A special guest at Holton High School Thursday, with U.S. Senator Pat Roberts visiting his alma mater to gain first hand answers to concerns regarding the federal lunch program.

During his time at the school, Roberts met with members of the student council, explaining his vision for the child nutrition programs. He said “It's the same thing we are hearing all around, and that's the need for flexibility, and that really gets back to the federal government trying to recognize the fact that we do have people that know what they are doing...It's a matter of trust. Again, it's that Washington knows everything, whatever is best. Kids are going to want to eat what they want to eat given the circumstances and the narrow scope of what is being provided. I don't think you can have that dictated from Washington.” Roberts said he hopes to end the partisan standoff in regards to school nutrition and instead make a positive accomplishment.

Following his address to the students, he told us he was happy to hear their thoughts on the issue, saying that “They really wanted to concentrate on the school lunch program, and they asked some pretty good questions in regard to their own personal decision making. I think that was very good...I think they were right on the money with their advice, and that is who you want to talk to”.

The Kansas Republican also joined the students for lunch, calling the meal of biscuits, sausage gravy, and assorted fruits and vegetables, well prepared and nutritious.


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