Atchison Co Commissioner Successor Nominated

(KAIR)--Members of Atchison County's Second District Republican precinct gathered Tuesday night to nominate a replacement for outgoing County Commissioner Mike Bodenhausen.

Bodenhausen, who will be stepping down from the Commission on March 1st due to an employment opportunity, was elected by committee members to chair the meeting. Following an explanation of convention rules, he called for any nominations.

After a short nomination period, Bill Murphy, Eric Noll, John Calhoon, and Joe Taliferro were nominated. Each candidate was then given three minutes to address the group. Murphy said that his life experience would serve him well in the Commission,and he had dedicated his life to public service for the past 35 years. Noll stated that he has no scores to settle, and would accept the challenge to fill the void left by Bodenhausen. Taliferro cited his experience with the county 4H, and Calhoon spoke of his 19 years of service as Atchison County Sheriff, and his desire to put forth the effort to reduce taxes.

Following the speeches, committee members cast their vote via a secret ballot. After the votes were canvassed by the four members who nominated the candidates, Eric Noll received the required majority to win the nomination.

Noll says that he was honored to have been chosen, and promised to do the best job he could as a Commissioner.

Noll's name will now be submitted to Governor Sam Brownback for approval, and appointment to the seat.


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