Atchison Adopts Water Conservation Ordinance

(KAIR)--The city of Atchison now has a plan to conserve water should the need arise.

City Commissioners on Monday were presented with a proposed ordinance that would bring the city up to date with state guidelines for water conservation. City Public Works and Utilities Director Justin Pregont says the city was in danger of loosing access to a state lending program if an ordnance was not put in place. The Kansas Department of Health and Environment and the Kansas Water Office require the plan if the city wants to continue to participate in the state revolving fund loan program, which gives them better interest rates on borrowing money for various water related projects.

Pregont adds that the new plan is very clear and concise in that “ identifies management practices that the state likes to see for utility operators to have in place, and  that includes...minor management practices all the way to kind of uniform language in terms of drought response. So they like everybody to be on the same wavelength so that if there is a drought, we can issue what would be either a water watch or a water warning, perhaps even a water emergency.”

Commissioners approved the new plan with a 5-0 vote.

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