Emergency Ag Loans Approved in Some Southeast Nebraska Counties

(KLZA)-- Denise M. Lickteig, Farm Loan Manager for the Nemaha County USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA), announced that family farmers in five Nebraska counties are eligible to apply for low interest Emergency (EM) loans due to physical and production losses caused by excessive rain, flash flooding, high winds, and hail conditions. Those counties are: Gage, Jefferson, Pawnee, Richardson, and Thayer.

These Nebraska counties became eligible for this assistance because they are contiguous to one or more of the Kansas counties that were designated as primary affected counties on November 26, 2014, by the Secretary of Agriculture.

Emergency Loan applications are available for qualifying physical or production losses caused by these disaster conditions. Physical losses include structures, equipment and livestock while production losses include crops. These loans do require security and the ability to repay the loan. The deadline for submitting applications is July 27, 2015. For additional details contact the Nemaha County FSA office at 402-274-4987

In addition to the Emergency (EM) Loan Program, FSA has other loan programs and disaster assistance programs which can be considered in assisting farmers to recover from their losses. Please contact your local FSA Service Center or access additional information about FSA Disaster Assistance and Farm Loan programs at www.fsa.usda.gov.

While this release pertains to the availability of FSA programs, other federal agencies such as FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) and SBA (Small Business Administration) may also have assistance available to the public. Information is available from these two agencies at the following websites; www.fema.gov and www.sba.gov. 

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