Local Nonprofits Helped Through Grants

(KMZA)--Enriching the quality of life in Nemaha County.
That's the goal behind the STEP Foundation's grants, that are awarded twice each year.
The grants are provided to nonprofit organizations that have a specific goal outlined, and are awarded for a definite purpose within a specific timeline, which usually does not exceed one year.
Leslie Scoby, Executive Director of the Nemaha County Step Foundation says grant applications are now being accepted through January 15th. “It's really a simple process. I think a lot of people think it's a lot more complicated,” Scoby tells MSC News. “We're willing to work with people if they have an idea, or project, that they would like to get some additional funding for, and we would help them fill that application out.”    
Scoby says grant information, and a downloadable application, can be found online. “Go to our website, www.nemahastep.org, and from that website you can download an application. If you want to call me, you may call me at 785-285-1765 and I can send you a hard copy in the mail. Whatever we can do to help you fill that application out, we sure want to do that.”
The STEP grants are awarded in five areas: cultural, health, economic, educational and recreational.

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