Atchison Changes Propane Tank Regulation

(KAIR)--The Atchison City Commission has approved changes to the planning and subdivision regulations, specifically how it relates to the placement of propane tanks on residential property.

City Community Development Director Stefanie Leif says the proposed changes were brought to the city by a resident who lives too far from a gas line, and wanted to use propane to heat his home. The new regulation would allow the tanks in the single family residential zone as a conditional use permit, meaning the city would have a chance to look at each situation on a case by case basis. She adds there will also be very specific criteria that will have to be met, so there should not be too many lots that will be able to have tanks.

Commissioner Jack Bower questioned how the visibility of the tanks would effect nearby neighbors. Leif says this is a valid point, but raised a concern by Atchison Fire Chief Mike McDermed concerning placement of objects, such as wooden fences around the tank in an effort to conceal it. These objects could act as a fuel for any potential fire that could originate near the tank

Leif also stressed that a tank placed on a residential property is not necessarily permanent. If a gas line is placed within 250 feet of a residence, the owner is oblicated to disconnect from the propane tank and connect to the gas line.

The Commission voted 5-0 to adopt the proposed changes.


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