No Change For Atchison's Sixth Street

(KAIR)--A portion of Sixth Street between Park Street and V Street in Atchison will remain closed to two way traffic.

That comes after a public hearing on the issue, held last month, after city officials proposed the change to accommodate planned changes to the city's solid waste and recycling collection programs, which are scheduled to start in January. The new vehicles will operate from the right side only, so two way traffic is preferred on all streets.

City Manager Trey Cocking says that while residents were opposed to the change, they did suggest that collections could still take place if the trucks drove against the flow of traffic on the street once or twice a week.

Cocking says this option has been reviewed with city staff, and legal issues have to checked, but if this change is made, residents on the street will be notified in advance when the trucks will be driving against the flow of traffic.


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