Atchison Lady Elks Prepare Care Packages

(KAIR)--The Atchison Lady Elks are hard at work preparing care packages for service members stationed oversees, and they are hosting a Soup and Dessert Lunch this weekend in order to raise enough money to fund them.

Elk's Lodge member Mary Lou Wilson says there is a great deal of thought and care that goes into each package. The group always sends at least one or two boxes of homemade cookies that more often than not, get shared among a group. Wilson says that she also tries to get some colored pictures from the grade school kids to send, as it can remind service members who are parents of their kids.

There will also be a fair bit of holiday cheer being sent as well. Wilson says that that boxes of Christmas lights are also sent, so they can be strung up around the barracks.

Wilson says that each box contains items that most of us may take for granted, but are appreciated by the service member receiving them. Items such as foot powder, shampoo, conditioner, snacks, shaving cream, and other personal items are included.

The Atchison Lady Elk's Soup and Dessert Lunch will take place this Sunday from 11:00am-2:00pm in the basement of the Atchison Elks Lodge. A free will donation will be accepted.

Anyone can leave donations for the boxes at the Ell's Lodge at the back entrance after 4:00pm until December 2nd. If you have any questions, or want to have the Elk's pick up items from you, you can call Mary Lou at 913-360-2512.

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