Atchison Replacing Several Water Valves In The City

(KAIR)--Several water valves in Atchison's water distribution system are being replaced as part of the city's water valve exercise program.

City Public Works and Utilities Director Justin Pregont says the city has been conducting the annual testing throughout the summer. As a result of these tests, it was determined that several valves needed replacing. Pregont explains that most of the time, most problems manifest during the actual testing, especially with valves that were installed over one hundred years ago.

Replacement work is nearly complete, though the possibility remains that more work may need to be done in the coming weeks.

Some of the valves replaced include ones located at the intersection of Santa Fe Street and Seventh Street, and at Santa Fe Street and Eighth Street.

Pregont says they have been able to keep the disruption of service mostly contained to specific areas, and any water customers who lost service for any amount of time were notified in advance.

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