Report Missing Road Signs

(KLZA) -- Along with increased numbers of agricultural equipment and other large loads hauled on rural roads during the spring, comes an increased likelihood of missing and damaged roadsigns.  

According to the Nebraska Department of Roads, incidents involving vehicles knocking signs off the right-of-way during turns are on the rise.  If not reported immediately, this can create a safety hazard for motorists.

In addition to vehicles knocking the signs over, other contributing factors may include severe weather, car accidents and even theft as reasons why road signs need repair or replacement.  This can happen anywhere, with dramatic safety ramifications.

The NDOR urges anyone who sees evidence of a damaged or missing sign to contact their NDOR District headquarters, or their nearest staffed office immediately.  Staff may be contacted by phone, email, or through the department website at

Prior to making contact, make sure to jot down the location of the missing sign and any other helpful comments. 


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