Atchison Gas Leak Evacuates Homes, School

(KAIR)--A gas leak on Atchison's north side sends rescue crews rushing to the area of Washington  and Mound Streets while nearby houses, and an elementary school, were evacuated. 

Atchison Police Chief Mike Wilson says it happened around 11:40 Thursday morning when a sub-contractor was at work on under-construction Benedictine College dormitories located just north of Mound. The gas line, located just south of Mound, on Washington Street, was struck and broken. 

Six houses on Washington were evacuated, while Benedictine College security was notified of the natural gas rupture, but apparently decided not to evacuate. 

It was a different story for the nearby Saint Benedict's Catholic School where young students were evacuated in less than one minute. That's according to an emergency alert sent to parents, which stated that teachers accompanied students to Atchison's Reisner Park.  The time out of class was short lived, with the all clear received around 30 minutes later when the gas was shut off and Kansas Gas Service crews went to work to make repairs. 

No injuries are reported as a result of the leak. 

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