Falls City Middle School Student Qualifies for State Geography Bee

 (KLZA) Each year thousands of schools in the United States participate in the National Geographic Bee using materials prepared by the National Geographic Society. The contest is designed to encourage teachers to include geography in their classrooms, spark student interest in the subject, and increase public awareness about geography. Schools with students in grades four through eight are eligible for this entertaining and challenging test of geographic knowledge.

The Falls City Middle School participated in the program for the first time this year. A preliminary written qualifying test was given to all Middle School Social Studies students to find the top students to participate in the school bee and determine a school champion. 

Grayson  Hayes took the State Qualifying quiz December 11, and became the first student from Falls City Middle School to qualify at the state level. The top 100 students qualify to represent their schools and compete at the state level. The state Bee will be held on Friday, April 5, at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. 

State qualifiers compete in an oral competition at the state level, with one winner from each state and territory advancing to the national competition, which will be held May 20-22 in Washington, D.C. for scholarships in the amount of U.S. $25,000, $15,000 and $10,000.




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