Atchison Co Commissioners Discuss Cell Phone Compensation

(KAIR) -- During the annual re-organizational meeting of Atchison County Commissioners, employee cell phone compensation dominated a majority of the meeting.

Currently, certain department heads receive 20 dollars a month for cell use for county business.

However, Commissioner Mike Bodenhausen says with the new age of technology and higher rates, Commissioners are discussing making an adjustment.

(Play Audio)   RT: :30  

Commissioners will continue to analyze data and take into consideration the strength of cell service in different parts of the county before finalizing a decision.

Commissioners also set the county mileage rate as per the rate equal to the state mileage rate.

They also eliminated the a holiday, New Year’s Eve since New Year’s Day will not fall in the early week this year.

New Commissioner Bill Pohl will serve on the Juvenile Justice Authority Board, as well as the local NEK-CAP board, while the other Commissioners will serve on the same boards as last year.

After the re-organizational portion of the meeting, Commissioners discussed another potential change in meeting times, proposing meetings on Monday and Wednesday afternoons at two.

Another possibility is to have one meeting a week in peak times of the year with a work session in the morning and a regular meeting in the afternoon.

Commissioners will not have another meeting until January 22nd due to the Martin Luther King holiday and a lack of a quorum for Wednesday’s meeting due to Commissioners Bodenhausen and Pohl attending training.

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