Commissioners Finalize Solid Waste Fees

(KAIR) -- Property owners in Atchison County now know what their final total will be for solid waste fees for 2013.

Commissioners voted two to one Wednesday in their regular meeting to set the fee at 61 dollars per residence and 61 dollars based on 26 cubic yards per unit for non-residences and 61 dollars for every unit thereafter.

Commissioner Jeff Schuele says that’s significant savings from the initial 72 dollar cap.

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Commissioner Mike Bodenhausen voted nay and he says he would have liked to see funding distributed better.

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Bodenhausen also believed the final rate was too high and that there should have been more leniency on the fee placed towards religious institutions, believing they do not generate a high volume of trash.

This rate will now appear on property tax statements, which will be tentative mailed out on November 9th.

Commissioners also discussed contract terms with new solid waste provider Deffenbaugh.

Commissioners also voted to transfer more sales tax dollars into Joint Communications to help eliminate a projected shortfall.

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