Web Exclusive: Congresswoman Jenkins Expresses Disapproval of Internet Censorship Bill

U.S. Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins

Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins released the following statement regarding H.R. 3261, the Stop Online Piracy Act:

 “Since its inception, the internet has educated millions, connected people across the world, toppled corrupt dictatorships, and made millionaires out of garage entrepreneurs.  There can be no doubt that the internet has proven to be one of the greatest harbingers of free speech, free expression, free enterprise and the American Dream the world has ever known.”

“Yet today, in the halls of Congress, some are pushing misguided legislation that could crush the internet with gratuitous regulations, stifle it with censorship, and open the door for rampant legal abuse, all under the guise of stopping online piracy.  Copyright infringements and online piracy are legitimate issues that should and can be addressed, but we need to do it without fundamentally destroying the internet as we know it.   I do not support H.R. 3261 in its current form, will vigorously fight any efforts to advance it and will vote against it if it comes to the floor of the House.”

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