Sabetha ceremonies planned for national run

(KNZA)--Ceremonies are scheduled in Sabetha Tuesday, as America's Run for the Fallen makes it's way through Kansas.

According to a news release from the Kansas Adjutant General's Office, the run is a nationwide relay held in tribute to every military service member who has died while serving or as a result of serving during the War on Terror since October 12, 2000.

Among the Kansas National Guard soldiers being recognized as part of the run are Sgt. 1st Class Clinton Wisdom, of Atchison, and Sgt. Don Allen Clary, of Troy.
Both members of the 2nd Battalion, 130th Field Artillery were killed November 8, 2004, in Baghdad, Iraq.

Also being remembered is Master Sgt. Bernard Deghand, of Mayetta, and a member of the Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 35th Division Artillery Embedded Training Team. He was killed in action in Afghanistan on September 15, 2006.

Sgt. Courtney Finch, a resident of Leavenworth, and a member of the 714th Security Force, is also remembered as part of the run. He died in Iraq on July 24, 2007.

America's Run for the Fallen covers more than 6,000 miles in 19 states and honors nearly 20,000 service members. The run began on April 7 in Fort Irwin, California, and ends August 5th in Arlington National Cemetery.

According to the run's itinerary, the runners made their way into Kansas Thursday.

On Tuesday afternoon, they are expected to arrive at the Sabetha Cemetery between 3 and 3:30 and are to place a marker for fallen soldier.

A closing ceremony is scheduled for 6:00 Tuesday evening at the Mary Cotton Library, while a spaghetti supper, to raise funds for the run, will be held at the Sabetha VFW Post 7285 from 5 until 8:00.





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