KOMA violation settled in Marshall Co

Former KS Atty General Derek Schmidt

(KMZA)--Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt has announced a settlement with the Marshall County Commission to resolve a violation of the Kansas Open Meetings Act.

Schmidt announced the settlement in a news release Wednesday.

Schmidt says the attorney general’s office received a complaint in February alleging that the Commission violated the open meetings act by improperly discussing a matter in executive session.

After an investigation, the release says it was determined the board violated the law by recessing into closed session to discuss non-elected personnel, but did not discuss any matters regarding or related to non-elected personnel during the session.

In addition, the release says the investigation revealed the board violated the state open meetings law when its motion to recess into executive session failed to include a specific statement describing the subjects to be discussed during the executive session and the location that the open meeting would resume.

The release says Commissioners have signed a consent order admitting the violations. They also agreed to get training and provide written confirmation that each commission member has obtained the required training and agrees to not engage in any future violations of the open meetings law.


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