New security measures begin at Brown Co courthouse

(KNZA--New security measures are in place at the Brown County Courthouse.

As of January 1st, firearms and other weapons will be prohibited from being brought into the Courthouse by members of the public.

Individuals will have to successfully pass through a walk-through metal detector prior to being allowed in the Courthouse.

The metal detector has been placed at the north entrance of the Courthouse and it will be the only point of entry.  All other doors will remain locked from the outside.

Kansas State Statue requires the county take the security measures in order to prohibit firearms and other weapons in the Courthouse.

Three part-time security officers will man the courthouse during regular business hours. They will be employees of the Brown County Sheriff's Department.

At their meeting Friday, the County Commission approved an additional $5,000 annual salary increase for Sheriff John Merchant to administer the Courthouse security.          

Editor's note: the following is a public notice of the new security measures at the courthouse provided by Sheriff John Merchant

Effective January 1, 2018, firearms and other weapons will be prohibited from being brought into the Brown County Courthouse by members of the public. To prohibit firearms and other weapons in the Courthouse, Kansas State statute requires the county to adopt “adequate security” measures that will require all non-exempt individuals to successfully pass through a walk-through metal detector prior to being allowed in the courthouse. This metal detector will be placed at the North Entrance of the Courthouse and will be the only point of entry for non-exempt individuals to the courthouse.  All other doors will remain locked from the outside and will only be utilized for entry and departure.  

The following persons are exempt from the screening procedures set forth above (with appropriate official identification):
a. Judges of the 22nd Judicial District and their employees
b. Employees of Brown County, Kansas;
c. Deputies and Jailers of the Brown County Sheriff’s Office and inmates in their custody,
d. Uniformed State, Federal and/or Tribal Law Enforcement Officers;
e. Employees of the State of Kansas whose primary office is located in the Brown County Courthouse.

No person having authorized access to secured areas after having passed through the screening devices shall permit any person access to the courthouse without going through the screening procedures absent proper written authorization from the County Sheriff, County Attorney or other designee of the Brown County Commissioners.




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